
Don’t threaten them into recovery, love them into recovery!

An intervention is a way of helping a family member, friend, or coworker realize that he/she has a serious problem with alcohol and/or other drugs.  The purpose of interventions is to get substance abusers out of denial and demonstrate to them the impact their disease has on themselves and the people they love the most.  With the help of an intervention counselor, the intervention process does not have to be painful, but can be the beginning of a happy and productive life for all those involved.  This effective method of helping people realize they have a problem has been successful in getting suffering alcoholics and drug addicts into treatment programs in a caring and respectful manner.

How Does an Intervention Work?

The process begins with a minimum of 6 hours of education and preparation for family members, friends, and/or co-workers, coordinated by an intervention counselor.  Letters are written, boundaries are established, consequences (if necessary) are set, and the intervention is rehearsed.  All possible responses and scenarios are considered and discussed.  Arrangements are also made for admission to an appropriate treatment facility.  Centers generally maintain a referral network with some of the leading inpatient drug and alcohol treatment resources in the country.

During the actual intervention, the loved one is confronted with the letters of concern and the overwhelming love of family and friends.  Urgent and compassionate appeals to immediately enter treatment are made.

So the Person Goes to Treatment.  What Next?

All inpatient treatment programs recommended by professionals have family programs available while the loved one is in treatment, and participation by family members is highly recommended.  If this is not possible, they can provide family counseling prior to the loved one being discharged.

After inpatient treatment is completed, centers provide continuing care for the loved one through their Continuing Care programs and ongoing family therapies as needed.

How Do We Start the Intervention Process?

Contact us to make an appointment with one of our intervention counselors.  We will discuss whether the intervention process is appropriate for your situation.  If so, we will explain the steps that the family and friends will need to take in order to start the process and make the intervention a success.